After many months of thinking about the design, I finally started putting together a housing for QPID. Since it'll be sitting outside all day, it needs to be pretty weather-proof so water resistance and wind resistance are crucial. And the connectors need to be easily accessible but protected from the elements.
I built a basic stand out of black iron pipe. It's cheap, flexible (in terms of design), and it seems to go well with the BBQ smoker aesthetic. And the weight will help to ensure QPID stays put despite wind gusts and rambunctious beagles. The design is also stable when the unit is laid on its back, with makes hooking up the connectors underneath breeze.
The housing itself is made from 1/2" poplar. This part is still a work in progress, and I'll be adding additional panels on the top and side to shield things from the elements. Once everything's done I'll paint/seal it with a textured metallic paint to keep with the overall look.
For the LEDs, I may cover the front with a thin sheet of clear plastic and leave the indicators unpainted or maybe white. The other option is to find some clear plastic plugs or dowels and secure them in the holes with a waterproof sealant.
Friday, June 25, 2010
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