Sunday, June 7, 2009

The Full Slab

With the new stack's client mode capabilities and some new code in WiServer, QPID now has all of its communication capabilities! In addition to serving up web pages, QPID can also send periodic status updates and urgent alerts via Twitter, which in turn can be forwarded to a mobile phone via SMS. At this point I've hit about 17k out of my 30k code budget including the favicon, so there's still plenty of room for more enhancements.

I really need to build some more permanent hardware. My plan is to design a PCB that'll plug right into the headers on the WiShield, only I'll place the components on the underside except for some surface-mount LEDs. That way I can mount the entire assembly against the front surface of an enclosure and be able to view the LEDs through a window. I'll also add jacks for the temperature probes and fan, and those will align nicely with the power and USB jacks on the Arduino board.

I'll include LEDs to indicate power, Wifi connection, data transmit, data receive, and three LEDs to indicate temperature state (blue, green and red, of course). One other feature will be feed Vin to an analog input using a voltage divider; in the future I may go with a solar panel and battery pack instead of an AC adapter, so it'd nice to have a way to monitor the supply voltage... and of course tweet if it starts to get low. :-)

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