Monday, June 1, 2009

New Stack Software, New Headaches

Over the weekend, Async Labs released a new version of the stack for their WiShield. 'New version' may not be the best choice of words because it's pretty much just 'new'; they ditched their old custom TCP stack and instead ported over uIP to work with the Wifi module. Needless to say, the WiServer code would no longer compile, let alone run. But on the bright side, the use of uIP means simultaneous support for both client and server connections, which means email alerts and tweets from my smoker will be coming soon.

Thankfully, uIP is a very stable and mature piece of open source software, and in addition to lots of comments in the code, there's also a great reference manual to explain the overall design and usage. So it took me a few hours of reading, hacking, reading again, and cursing at odd compilation errors to do an initial integration. I'm glad to report that QPID just served up its first web page using the new stack. It's messy, unstable code right now, but it works! :-)

Over the next few days I'll clean up and solidify the uIP port of WiServer, then I'll get back to working on the QPID-specific stuff.

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